Oréll campus File Manager is a document management module that offers campuses a secure, centralized area to collect and store folders of student/employee documents of a school, college or university. This virtual file cabinet can store literally every kind of information in multiple formats. It can contain any document like graded work, progress reports, confidential health info, transcripts of lessons, artwork, details of homework assignments, absentee records, discipline notices, recital audio clips, athletic video clips, discipline notices, parental slips and permission slips -- the possibilities are limitless. With drag-and-drop ease of operation HFM is indeed a campus/school administrator's must-have tool.
HFM archives both the softcopy and hardcopy of documents and keeps precise track of its location. It also records the return of hard copy of documents to owner or authorized personnel. Oréll campus File Manager is a full fledged system that enables the user to store, track and retrieve the files in the real world as well as in the virtual world at his expediency and thus reduces the risk of mislay.