Attendance marking and tracking is a strenuous and time consuming task in any academic institution, be it a school or a college. It is still performed manually and tends to be error prone and chaotic. Tracking attendance is a challenge at best, a nightmare for many. Oréll campus Attendance Tracker software is designed to effortlessly track and manage attendance in any situation. It can be seamlessly integrated with ID card or biometric scanners to automate the attendance marking procedure. Web based applications enables tracking time and attendance of the students.
HAT is designed keeping end-user requirement in mind. It comes equipped with the provision of instant alerts to parents regarding their wards absence in class. The use of the software will ensure a considerable fall in the absentee percentage throughout the institution. Staff members will no longer be required to keep constant track of students which will ensure that they have time for more productive work.
Attendance reports can be generated on different criteria which save the institution office staff hours of work.Oréll campus Attendance Tracker is an ingenious 100% failsafe attendance tracking single point interface, which keeps an eagle's-eye on the number present and leave details of every enrolled scholar. Percentage of presence calculations and the generation of relevant reports are fully automated, occurring in seamless conjunction with the in-house portal. Fully compatible with badge or security biometric collection devices, Oréll campus Attendance Tracker also offers predetermined periodic self-checking of individual attendance records and e-alerts to parent/guardian.